Achieve New Jersey Sgo Instruction Manual

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Student Growth Objectives (SGOs) SGOs are long-term academic goals for groups of students set by teachers in consultation with their supervisors. For more information, please read the and visit the following pages:. NOTES:.


Aligning with the current requirement that teachers receive training on the SGO process, proposed regulations require that all administrators also take part in annual SGO refresher training. Districts have discretion in how they conduct this training but based on a number of requests, the Department is providing a set of training guidelines and resources that educators may use to fulfill this requirement.

Districts may also use these materials to facilitate training of teachers. The materials can be found below. The Department recommends that all teachers set 2 SGOs, regardless of whether or not they receive an SGP score. What is the recommended procedure for the annual SGO training for administrators?.

What does the Department recommended for annual SGO training of administrators? Districts should consider differentiating training on the SGO process to take into account the experience of the administrator; hence the two suggested approaches below. However, districts should adapt these approaches as needed to meet their local needs. New Administrators Purpose – administrators receive an introduction to the five step SGO process and other SGO fundamentals. SGO Basics:. Read the.

Achieve New Jersey Sgo Instruction Manual

Watch all four of the SGO videos in the. Complete the and discuss the results with your direct supervisor or mentor. Experienced Administrators Purpose – administrator teams improve SGO quality through SGO review, gap analysis and planning. Improving SGOs. Watch the to refresh understanding of Department's requirements and guidance. Review and analyze the most current staff observation and SGO scores. Use the to review and analyze a sample of last year's SGOs.

Identify one or several areas in which the SGO process/product can be improved. Review resources provided by the Department and those developed locally and determine whether and how they may best be used. (see below).

Contribute to developing, and implementing as indicated, an action plan to address areas needing improvement. What training materials are available to help administrators meet the training requirement?.

Achieve New Jersey Sgo's

What key resources are available to help school districts provide SGO training? The resources below represent the most current best practices being implemented throughout schools in New Jersey. These can be used separately or as part of a strategy to facilitate SGO training for administrators and teaching staff and/or SGO improvement in general. SGO Training Procedures Guidance: The PowerPoint presentation is an excerpt from the Office of Evaluation's summer of 2016 regional training sessions describing both recommended training procedures.

This presentation contains links to the supporting training materials, as well as examples of what the 'Improving SGOs' training might look like when done by teams of administrators in-district.

. General Information.

Teacher Evaluation. General Overviews. Teacher Evaluation Scoring Guide ( ) Evaluation Components. Additional Resources.

This document was produced by the Division of Early Childhood Education, in collaboration with dozens of educators expert in the field as an optional resource for early childhood educators and their supervisors. The document is designed to help observers using Danielson's Framework for Teaching (2011 Edition) 'tint the lens' with an early childhood perspective.

Although this evidence document uses the format of the Danielson framework, it may also be useful for districts using other instruments since all instruments approved by the Department align to Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Standards. Principal & VP/AP Evaluation. General Overviews.

Principal Evaluation Scoring Guide ( ). Evaluation Components.

Updated Guidance and Exemplars ( ). Evaluation Leadership Instruments: Rubrics for measuring effectiveness in implementing the new state-wide evaluation. Staff Evaluation (Directors, Supervisors, Education Specialists, Etc.). General Overviews. Frameworks in Use by Various Groups Over the past year, the Department has worked with teams of accomplished professionals from several groups representing educators in specialized roles. This collaboration has resulted in the creation of role-specific evaluation instruments that districts may choose to adopt. While the Department does not require the use of these instruments, we support the educator groups in their efforts to promote the use of tools that address the specific job responsibilities of their members.

As the Department continues to develop guidance for staff members in specialized roles, we will continue to learn from these groups and their partner districts during their first year of utilizing these evaluation instruments, which are listed below:.: Note that NJSHA has a licensing agreement and can only post information to members. Additional Resources. Student Growth Objectives (SGOs). Overview, Training, and SGO Development.

SGO Overview : A 2-page overview of the role of SGOs in AchieveNJ. SGO 2.1 Presentation ( ): Updated SGO workshop presentation. Supplemental resources can be found below. SGO 2.1 Guidebook ( ): Revised for 2015-16. SGO Quick Start Guide : A 2-page guide outlining the SGO process. SGO Form ( ): Includes sections to help teachers identify and record information for student starting points, record mid-year adjustments to SGOs, and reflect on SGO process in annual conferences. SGO Guidance for Health and Physical Education Teachers :.

Document provided by Office of Academic Standards outlining key points and FAQs for SGO creation. For more information about Health and Physical Education, please visit the Department's dedicated. SGO 2.1 Presentation Resources. Presentation. 15-16 Social Studies SGO Example. Unpacking Standards Document. Performance Tasks Worksheet.

Assessment Blueprint. Assessment Blueprint Example. Assessment Design Checklist. Portfolio Assessments Worksheet.

Scoring Worksheet. Bloom's Taxonomy.

DOK Wheel. SGOs and Collaboraion. SGO Assessment Long and Short Cycles. Mr. Roosevelt's SGO. Andrew Johnson Impeachment Activity High Quality Assessments. and: A tool to help teachers plan, develop, and check high-quality assessments.

More information about using this resource can be found in the updated and. Administering and Scoring SGO Assessments (  ): Table including a series of optional steps districts and schools can take to increase the quality of SGO assessing and scoring. SGO Approval Inventory and Scoring Chart : Adaptable Excel spreadsheet that can be used by evaluators as a database to track SGO development, approval, conferences and scores for teachers. SGO Quality Assurance. SGO Quality Rating Rubric ( ): Updated with more specific information on assessment quality and using multiple measures of student starting points. Assessing and Adjusting SGOs ( ): Document describing the value of assessing submitted SGOs for quality and making adjustments as needed before the February 15th deadline. Includes a suggested method for inspecting SGO quality.

Evaluating SGO Quality Presentation ( ): Presentation that can be used to assist a team that is assessing SGO quality. Describes the components of a high quality SGO with SGO samples of varying quality. Support and Scoring. Mid-course Check In ( ): Form to guide SGO discussions between teachers and supervisors. SGO Scoring Checkpoints and Considerations (  ): Annotated guide with examples and resources for developing SGO scoring policies and completing the SGO process with teachers.

SGO Scoring Checklist ( ): Simple list that administrators may use prior to or during annual conference to ensure important aspects of SGO scoring are completed. 2013-14 Forms Older Forms and Documents In large part SGO forms provided during the first two years have been condensed into revised documents such as the Assessment Blueprint and the 2014-15 SGO Form (see above). However, districts are welcome to continue to use older versions as needed and may access them below.