Icaew Accounting Study Manual

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We take pride in the fact that we publish our own learning materials, which are highly recommended by universities and tuition providers, who use them to deliver academic and professional education programmes. Each year the learning materials are reviewed and approved by our examiners, and provide clear guidance on the way in which the syllabus learning outcomes are tested in the exams.

  1. Accounting Study Notes
  2. Icaew Financial Accounting And Reporting Study Manual Pdf
  3. Financial Accounting Study Guide

We therefore recommend that you use the up to date editions to study for the respective exams (e.g. Use the 2015 edition to study for exams in 2015), as these will reflect any changes made within the syllabus, learning outcomes and the way in which you are assessed. Where relevant, the learning materials for the ACA exams comprise a study pack for each module which contains the following:. a study manual providing comprehensive coverage of all examinable topics;. an online study guide which gives guidance on how to approach the subject and detail of the learning outcomes and skills tested for each module;. interactive and self-test questions throughout the study manual for revision of the topics in each chapter; and.


Accounting Study Notes

a question bank containing exam standard questions for revision practice. Errata We update the learning materials annually to reflect changes to the syllabus, current legislation and technical standards. Occasionally, errors may appear in the material. We publish details of any errata on the relevant page for each module. Ordering your learning materials Learning materials are available to order from.

Please check with your employer or tuition provider if you are expected to order your learning materials, or whether they will be ordered for you. We recommend that you only order learning materials for courses that you are about to start.

Icaew Accounting Study Manual

Icaew Financial Accounting And Reporting Study Manual Pdf

We advise against ordering materials for the whole year, in case you change your study plans. It is important that you study using the correct edition of learning materials for the exam session in which you will be sitting. How much will the study materials cost? Certificate Level modules.

Financial Accounting Study Guide

Certificate Level modules: £30 per module (plus postage and packing). Professional Level. Professional Level modules: £45 per module (plus postage and packing). Advanced Level. Advanced Level modules: £80 per module (plus postage and packing).